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Baggett -> Banick -> Bin Ladin -> Bourdain -> Brockhurst -> Brusey -> Burnett

* * * John F. Burnett Uncivilized Beasts and Shameless Hellions: Travels with an NPR Correspondent US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Rodale, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
A National Public Radio reporter shares eclectic experiences around the world under intriguing categories: Calamities; Hacks and Fixers; and Rogues and Heroes(HW)

* * Robert Byron First Russia, Then Tibet US Orders
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Penguin, 1985 (1933) Softcover
The author promises neither to instruct or improve his readers as he tells about excursions to Bolshevik Russia in the 1930's and then to its antithesis, Tibet. Yet his observations of both cultures, in comparison with Western values, are fascinating. (HW)