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* * Kirsten Smith The Geography of Girlhood US Orders
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Review Little, Brown & Co., 2006 (2006) Hardcover
This novel told uniquely in verse takes its narrator, Penny Morrow, from age fourteen to eighteen. (HW)

* * Robert Louis Smith & Geof Isherwood Antiquitas Lost: The Last of the Shamalans US Orders
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Review Medlock, 2011 (2011) Softcover
A long yet detailed (and illustrated!) epic fantasy aimed at teen boys. (RM)

* * * Roland Smith Peak US Orders
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Review Harcourt, 2007 (2007) Hardcover
Fourteen-year-old Peak is arrested for climbing a skyscraper in New York City. His dad comes half way around the world to rescue him, but Peak soon finds out that's not the only reason he came. (LS)

* * Sherri L. Smith Flygirl US Orders
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Review Putnam, 2009 (2009) Hardcover
Ida Mae Jones dreams of flying, just like her daddy. Will she be strong enough to break through the obstacles in her path to become a real Flygirl(ES)

* * Sherri L. Smith Sparrow US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Delacorte, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
This tale of interracial friendships and mutual needs is a seemingly simple story, told in first-person narrative, and set mainly in New Orleans. (JL)