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Waite -> Watts -> Waugh -> Weber -> Weber -> Weber -> Weber -> Weinstein -> Wells -> Welsh -> Williams -> Willis -> Wilson -> Wilson -> Wise -> Wright

* * * Alexander Weinstein Universal Love US Orders
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Review Picador, 2021 (2020) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
In a future world, technology has changed love in unusual ways, between adults as well as between parents and children, but the world has been physically changed in mostly devastating ways, too. (RW)

* * Catherine Wells Beyond the Gates US Orders
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Excerpt Roc, 1999 (1999) Paperback
Dray's Planet was settled by the Children of the Second Revelation, who fear contamination by Unbelievers. Graduate student Marta discovers a strange new species, two rival Unbeliever scientists are brought in to help, and they race to uncover a dangerous secret. (HW)

* * * H. G. Wells, Micah Farritor & et al Science Fiction Classics: Graphic Classics Volume 17 US Orders
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Review Eureka Productions, 2009 (2009) Softcover
This 17th in the series includes a graphic adaptation of H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds as well as tales by Jules Verne, Stanley G. Weintraub and Arthur Conan Doyle. (AT)

* * * H. G. Wells The Time Machine US Orders
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e-Book Project Gutenberg, 1992 (1898) Hardcover, Softcover, Paperback, Audio, e-Book
The Time Traveler returns from 2871 to tell his uncanny tale of a future world populated by the small childlike Eloi and dark subterranean Morlocks. (HW)

* * * H. G. Wells The War of the Worlds US Orders
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e-Book Project Gutenberg, 1992 Hardcover, Softcover, Paperback, Audio, e-Book
Martians land near London and decimate Earth's population with superior technology - the famous radio broadcast by Orson Welles in 1938 was believed to be real by many. A must read for SF fans. Made into a movie in 1953. (HW)