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Baker -> Baker -> Banks -> Barnes -> Barr -> Bear -> BeauSeigneur -> Bell -> Berg -> Bova -> Bradley -> Brewer -> Brown -> Buckell -> Buckell -> Bujold -> Burch

* * Donna Barr Afterdead 1: Desert Peach #31, #32, and Beyond US Orders
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Review A Fine Line Press, 2007 (2007) Softcover
An eclectic collection including issues #31 and #32 of The Desert Peach series, as well as additional comic stories and 2 contiguous short stories. (LE)

* * Max Barry Jennifer Government US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Vintage, 2004 (2003) Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, CD, e-Book
A satirical look at a near future in which corporations rule the world. (LC)

* * * W. C. Bauers Unbreakable: The Chronicles of Promise Paen US Orders
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Review Tor, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, e-Book
This 1st in an outstanding new military SF series introduces Promise Paen, an officer in the Republic of Aligned Worlds Marine Corps as her unit is assigned to her frontier birth world, Montana. (HW)

* * * Stephen Baxter Coalescent US Orders
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Review Del Rey, 2003 (2003) Hardcover, e-Book
This 1st in Destiny's Children moves between modern day and 2000 years ago, examining social and religious cultural modeling. (KL)