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O'Brien -> O'Keefe -> Osborne

* * * Molly O'Keefe Crazy Thing Called Love: Crooked Creek US Orders
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Review Bantam, 2013 (2013) Paperback, e-Book
It's taken Madelyn Cornish over a decade to claw her way out from behind Billy Wilkins's huge shadow - and now he's come barrelling back in her life, big time. (MB)

* * Molly O'Keefe Family at Stake US Orders
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Review Harlequin, 2006 (2006) Paperback
Mac Edwards and Rachel Filmore were once best friends, but Rachel decided not to stick around - they meet 13 years later. (ML)

* * Kathleen O'Reilly The Diva's Guide to Selling your Soul US Orders
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Review Downtown Press, 2005 (2005) Paperback, e-Book
An ex-New Jersey divorcée now has beauty, wealth, fame, and a long line of besotted lovers. The cost? One itty-bitty soul – hers. (RS)

* * Erica Orloff Do They Wear High Heels In Heaven? US Orders
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Review Red Dress Ink, 2005 (2005) Paperback, e-Book
An uplifting read about a special friendship between two writers (one of whom develops breast cancer) and of new relationships for both of them. (SB)