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* * Tia McCollors The Truth About Love US Orders
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Review Moody, 2008 (2008) Softcover
Paula, Belinda, Zora and Monet are the best of friends. They are there for each other - no matter the situation. (LM)

* * Judi McCoy Almost a Goddess US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Avon, 2006 (2006) Paperback
The Muse of Good Fortune struggles not to fall in love with a mortal while on a mission to inspire mankind in Las Vegas. (BD)

* * * Judi McCoy One Night With a Goddess US Orders
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Review Avon, 2007 (2007) Paperback
After Zeus, ruler of Olympus, sends the muse of happiness to prove her worth on Earth, Chloe works as a wedding planner and falls for a suspicious mortal, Matt Castleberry. (KA)

* * L. J. McDonald The Battle Sylph US Orders
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Review Leisure, 2010 (2010) Paperback
In an otherworldly dimension, only one battle sylph can become the Queen's chosen consort; humans take advantage of the battlers' craving for love and use a virginal sacrifice to lure an unsuspecting sylph toward the portal that separates their worlds. (MB)