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Kahn -> Katsu -> Kauffman -> Kaye -> Kean -> Kearney -> Kearney -> Kearsley -> Keller -> Keltner -> Kendrick -> Kennedy -> Kenner -> Kenyon -> Kilby -> Kingsbury -> Kinsella -> Kleypas -> Knight -> Krahn -> Krinard -> Krinard -> Kwitney

* * Kim Wong Keltner The Dim Sum of All Things US Orders
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Review Avon, 2004 (2004) Paperback
An American-born Chinese woman, living in San Francisco with her grandmother, works as a receptionist for Vegan Warrior magazine, despite being a closet carnivore. (MP)

* * Kim Wong Keltner I Want Candy US Orders
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Review Avon, 2008 (2008) Softcover, e-Book
Candy Wong finds growing up isn't her cup of tea. (MS)

* * Karen Kendall Fit to be Tied US Orders
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Review Signet, 2007 (2007) Paperback
Though Jennifer Canby is thrilled when Tom Brookhaven finally proposes, complications arise after the wedding through misinformation and misunderstanding. (MB)

* * Karen Kendall Someone Like Him US Orders
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Review Avon, 2003 (2003) Paperback
Unqualified for available jobs in NYC, Vinnie takes on a position as dog-walker. (RS)