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Zachter -> Zaks -> Zeitz -> Ziegler -> Zion -> Zuckerman

* * Joshua Zeitz Lincoln's Boys: John Nicolay, John Hay, and the War for Lincoln's Image US Orders
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Review Viking, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, e-Book
Offers a glimpse into what transpired when Lincoln and the boys worked together and then what happened after the president's death and how the memory of his time in office was preserved. (BW)

* * Darren Zenko Ghost Stories of Pets and Animals US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Lone Pine, 2004 (2004) Paperback
These 35 accounts are disturbing, fanciful, thought provoking, and downright mystical. (MB)

* * Aaron Zerah Every Day Is a Blessing: 365 Illuminations to Lift the Spirit US Orders
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Review Warner, 2002 (2002) Softcover
Well chosen proverbs, sayings and brief stories from diverse cultures and traditions all around the world - one for each day of the year. (HW)

* * * Marc Scott Zicree The Twilight Zone Companion US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Silman-James, 1999 (1983) Softcover, Paperback
Describes Rod Serling's creation of The Twilight Zone in the early days of television, with plot summaries and anecdotes from its 156 episodes. (MP)