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* * D. L. Wilson Unholy Grail US Orders
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Review Berkley, 2007 (2007) Paperback
Features a secret society connected with the Catholic Church, a ruthless assassin, a couple brought together by research and violence, plenty of action - and questions about the bloodline of Jesus Christ. (HW)

* * * Laura Wilson A Little Death US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Bantam, 2000 (1999) Paperback
Promising debut novel spanning the time from the 1890s to WW II London, focused on an awful crime that occurred in 1955, involving the 3 main characters. (GH)

* * * Laura Wilson The Lover US Orders
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Review Felony & Mayhem, 2011 (2004) Hardcover, Softcover
In 1940, murderer stalks the streets of London as Germany rains bombs down on the city. (MS)

* * Robert Wilson The Hidden Assassins US Orders
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Review Harcourt, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
In this 3rd in the series, police Inspector Javier Falcón has both a faceless corpse and a bomb blast on his hands in Seville, Spain. (HW)

* * Robert Wilson A Small Death in Lisbon US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Berkley, 2002 Hardcover, Paperback
Inspector Ze Coelho of Lisbon traces the murderer of a young girl back to the days of World War II in Germany. (MS)