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* * Liza Kessler & Mike Phillips Poppy the Pirate Dog and the Missing Treasure US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, Softcover
This middle-grade picture book features 6 short chapters and over 40 pages, making it a story that a young reader can feel good about when he or she completes reading the book. (BW)

* * * Tim Kessler & Paul Morin When God Made the Dakotas US Orders
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Review Eerdmans, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
This gorgeously illustrated picture book is a Native American tale about creation. (HD)

* * * Kazu Kibuishi Flight Explorer: Volume 1 US Orders
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Review Villard, 2008 (2008) Softcover
A fun anthology of 10 short comics that will appeal to all ages. (RM)

* * * Pennie Kidd & Susie Poole Hugs: A Special Bedtime Prayer US Orders
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Review Warner, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
Emphasizes the importance of giving loving Hugs (in verse). (JL)