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* * Lee Geum-yi Can't I Go Instead US Orders
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Review Forge, 2023 (2023) Hardcover, e-Book
This historical (translated by An Seonjae) follows the early 20th century trials and tribulations of two young Korean women - Chaeryeong, spoiled daughter of Viscount Yun Hyeongman, and her maidservant Sunam. (HW)

* * * Lee Geum-yi The Picture Bride US Orders
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Review Forge, 2022 (2022) Hardcover, e-Book
In 1918, 3 young women, picture brides from a very poor village in occupied Korea, travel to Hawaii to meet their new, unseen husbands (translated by An Seonjae). (BL)

* * Amitav Ghosh The Glass Palace US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Penguin, 2000 (2000) Hardcover
Tells the story of Burma from 1887 to the present from the points of view of several families, in particular the Indian Rajkumar and his wife Dolly, once handmaiden to the exiled Queen and her daughters. (HW)

* * * Elisabeth Gifford The Good Doctor of Warsaw US Orders
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Review Pegasus, 2021 (2021) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
A fictionalized account of the efforts of Dr. Janusz Korczak to save Jewish orphans in Warsaw during the WW II German occupation, this book also tells about the love story between two of his students, Misha and Sophia. (RW)

* * * Elisabeth Gifford The Sea House US Orders
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Review St. Martin's, 2014 (2014) Hardcover
Moves back and forth in time to tell two stories, both centered on the remote island of Harris in the Scottish Outer Hebrides, and on selkies or mermaids. Characters in both eras reside in a manse dubbed The Sea House by the locals. (HW)