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* * Michael Scott & Colette Freedman The Thirteen Hallows US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Tor, 2012 (2012) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
Superpowerful villains are after ancient artefacts, whose guardians are all now frail elders - Good Samaritan Sarah Miller and Owen Walker (a guardian's nephew) work together to keep Demonkind from our world. (HW)

* * Joann Sfar & Emmanuel Guibert The Professor's Daughter US Orders
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Review First Second, 2007 (2007) Hardcover, Softcover
This unusual graphic novel follows Lillian, daughter of a renowned Egyptologist, as she finds love in the strange form of the mummified corpse of Imohtep IV - who can be quite charming and alluring. (LE)

* Nisi Shawl Everfair US Orders
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Review Tor, 2016 (2016) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
A steampunk novel with a unique setting. (RM)

* * * Owen Sheers Resistance US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Anchor, 2009 (2007) Hardcover, Softcover
This alternate history story, based on an an imagined occupation of Britain by Nazi Germany in World War II, takes place in a remote Welsh valley where the men disappear in the night to form a resistance(JL)