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Rankin -> Rawn -> Rawn -> Reed -> Richardson -> Rivera -> Robinson -> Rosenberg -> Rowling -> Ryall -> Ryan

* * * Robert Rankin The Toyminator US Orders
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Review Orion, 2006 (2006) Hardcover, Paperback
This sequel to The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse finds private detective Eddie Bear re-teaming with his former partner Jack to find out who's behind an outbreak of Spontaneous Toy Combustion. (DP)

* Christopher Ransom The Birthing House US Orders
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Review St. Martin's, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, Audio, CD
After purchasing an old Victorian house in Black Earth, Wisconsin, Conrad Harrison is terrified by ghostly female apparitions and wailing babies and left hovering on the brink of insanity. (MB)