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Kadrey -> Kay -> Kay -> Kaye -> Kenner -> King -> King -> King -> Kith -> Koehler -> Koontz -> Koryta -> Kowal -> Kozloff -> Kristoff -> Kushner

* * Trystam Kith A Bright Winter Sun: Trouble in the Forest US Orders
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Review Five Star, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
Concludes a unique, vampiric take on the Robin Hood legend. (RM)

* Trystam Kith A Cold Summer Night: Trouble in the Forest US Orders
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Review Five Star, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
A bizarre retelling (and reversal) of the Robin Hood legend. (RM)

* Mindy L. Klasky Season of Sacrifice US Orders
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Review Roc, 2002 (2002) Paperback
Alanna Woodsinger must quickly acquire the skills of her predecessors to aid the People against a growing danger, and to rescue kidnapped twins. (HW)

* * Susan Klaus Flight of the Golden Harpy US Orders
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Review Tor, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, e-Book
On the planet Dora, winged harpies are mercilessly hunted as it's generally believed that the males steal and abuse human women - but Kari is fascinated by the male golden who saved her as a child. (HW)