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Authors:  Aaronovitch -> Anderson -> Armstrong -> Asaro -> Barlowe -> Benson -> Bradley -> Brown -> Buchanan -> Caine -> Carwyn -> Clement-Davies -> Cunningham -> de la Cruz -> Douglass -> Duncan -> Feist -> Foster -> Gentle -> Greenquist -> Hamilton -> Harris -> Hemingway -> Hobb -> Hopkinson -> James -> Jordan -> King -> Koryta -> Lackey -> Leather -> Llywelyn -> Marillier -> Martin -> McGreevy -> Mealing -> Moorcock -> Noory -> Pehov -> Pratchett -> Priest -> Rhodes -> Ryall -> Saul -> Shinn -> Smith-Ready -> Stewart -> Tesh -> Tsukihime Project -> Vess -> Weber -> West -> Willingham -> Wrede

Sharon Shinn Dark Moon Defender: A Novel of the Twelve Houses
Sharon Shinn Mystic and Rider: A Novel of the Twelve Houses
Sharon Shinn Reader and Raelynx: A Novel of the Twelve Houses
Sharon Shinn Royal Airs: An Elemental Blessings Novel
Sharon Shinn The Shape of Desire: A Shifting Circle Novel
Sharon Shinn Summers at Castle Auburn
Sharon Shinn The Thirteenth House
Sharon Shinn Troubled Waters
Jan Siegel The Dragon Charmer
Jan Siegel Prospero's Children
Jan Siegel The Witch Queen
Dan Simmons Children of the Night
Dan Simmons The Terror
Dan Simmons A Winter Haunting
Tim Slover The Christmas Chronicles
Alan Smale Clash of Eagles
Alan Smale Eagle in Exile: The Clash of Eagles Trilogy Book II
Mark Smith & Dan Hipp Songs for a Movie I Never Made: Amazing Joy Buzzards Volume 1
Scott Smith The Ruins
Sherwood Smith Banner of the Damned
Sherwood Smith Crown Duel
Sherwood Smith The Fox
Sherwood Smith Inda
Sherwood Smith King's Shield: Book Three of Inda
Sherwood Smith Treason's Shore