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Glen Duncan The Last Werewolf
David Anthony Durham The War With the Mein: Acacia Book One
Sergey Dyachenko & Marina Dyachenko The Scar
Rosemary Edghill Murder by Magic: Twenty Tales of Crime and the Supernatural
Suzette Haden Elgin The Ozark Trilogy
Kate Elliott Cold Steel: Spiritwalker #3
Kate Elliott The Keeper's Six
Kate Elliott Servant Mage
Kate Elliott Shadow Gate: Book Two of Crossroads
Kate Elliott Spirit Gate: Book One of Crossroads
Kate Elliott Traitors' Gate
Steven Erikson Deadhouse Gates: Book Two of The Malazan Book of the Fallen
Steven Erikson Gardens of the Moon: Malazan Book of the Fallen #1
Jennifer Estep Spider's Bite: An Elemental Assassin Book
Jennifer Fallon The Immortal Prince
Jennifer Fallon Medalon: Book One of the Hythrun Chronicles
Jennifer Fallon Treason Keep: Book Two of the Hythrun Chronicles
David Farland Chaosbound: The Eighth Book of the Runelords
David Farland The Wyrmling Horde: The Seventh Book of the Runelords
Christopher Farnsworth The Eternal World