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George R. R. Martin, Melinda Snodgrass & et al Busted Flush: A Wild Cards Mosaic Novel
George R. R. Martin A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire #5
George R. R. Martin & Gardner Dozois Dangerous Women
George R. R. Martin Dreamsongs Volume I
George R. R. Martin Dreamsongs Volume II
George R. R. Martin A Feast for Crows: Song of Ice and Fire
George R. R. Martin The Hedge Knight
George R. R. Martin Inside Straight: A Wild Cards Novel
George R. R. Martin A Storm of Swords
George R. R. Martin & Gardner Dozois Warriors
Matthew Quinn Martin Hazardous Material: Nightlife
A. Lee Martinez In the Company of Ogres
Robert Masello Blood and Ice
Brandon Massey Dark Corner
Misty Massey Mad Kestrel
Mark Masterson Dorothy: Volume I
Matt Maxwell, Luis Guaragña & et al Murder Moon: Strangeways
Andrew Mayne Angel Killer: A Jessica Blackwood Novel
Brian McClellan The Autumn Republic: The Powder Mage Trilogy
Brian McClellan The Crimson Campaign: The Powder Mage #2
Brian McClellan In the Shadow of Lightning: Glass Immortals #1 A new book review
Brian McClellan Promise of Blood: The Powder Mage Trilogy