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Patch the Porcupine and the Bike Shop Job    by Scott Nelson order for
Patch the Porcupine and the Bike Shop Job
by Scott Nelson
Order:  USA  Can
Krby Creations, 2004 (2004)
*   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Patch the Porcupine has always 'loved to learn how things worked and how to fix them if they broke.' He helps his animal friends by fixing their toys, games and bicycles. So, when he sees a Help Wanted notice in the bike store, he naturally applies for the job and gets it.

Then Richard the Rabbit comes in with a flat tire. And when Patch tries to fix it, his quills keep popping it again. What will he do? Though he dreams of a marshmallow solution, it makes no sense when he awakes. But the construction gloves his friend gives him do help, and his boss is impressed by Patch's 'Can-Do' attitude.

Patch the Porcupine and the Bike Shop Job is a nicely illustrated story with a good message about persisting through initial problems - it even includes instructions on how to fix a flat bike tire at the back.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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