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Sharpe's Command: Sharpe #14    by Bernard Cornwell order for
Sharpe's Command
by Bernard Cornwell
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Harper, 2024 (2024)
Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

I have been a stalwart fan of Bernard Cornwell's Saxon Tales and Last Kingdom since the beginning, both the books and TV series. I came to his Sharpe series later but binged on them once found. Sharpe's Command is the fourteenth in the series.

As this episode opens, Sharpe has been a soldier for nineteen years, since he was sixteen. He's 'fought in Flanders, India, Portugal and now Spain.' In May 1812 he's a rifleman and a Major. As always, Irish Sergeant Patrick Harper has his back and barely tolerates Royal Artillery Lieutenant Love, whom he calls Cupid.

Wellington, Nosey to his troops, has sent Sharpe and his fifteen men far behind enemy lines, to a remote village high above the critical Almaraz pontoon bridge, which separates two French armies. If they meet, they'll outnumber Wellington's forces three to one. Sharpe's wife, tough partisan leader Teresa Moreno, is to meet Sharpe there. She does so, in the nick of time too.

The bridge is protected by two forts and the local partisan leader, El Heroe, seems to have questionable loyalties. 'What can go wrong?' The answer is anything and everything, and it makes for highly entertaining reading! Against enormous odds, they save the day - because 'rifles and riflemen could make the hopeless possible.' Don't miss any of these books!

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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