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In a Quiet Town    by Amber Garza order for
In a Quiet Town
by Amber Garza
Order:  USA  Can
Mira, 2023 (2023)
Softcover, CD, e-Book
*   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Amber Garza's In a Quiet Town starts with someone watching his fiancée making love to another man, and planning revenge. Next readers meet Adrienne's mother Tatum, married to controlling pastor Shane, who disowned their rebellious daughter. They live in Rio Villa, near the Russian River in northern California.

After twenty-seven years of marriage, Tatum regrets all the compromises she has had to make, and secretly reconnects with Adrienne, who works as a bartender. She visits her at the Float Down bar every Wednesday when Shane is busy. Then Adrienne disappears. Tatum contacts the police but neither they nor Shane take her concerns seriously.

The story alternates between different points of view - Tatum's, Adrienne's and the fiancé's. We learn what led Adrienne to distance herself from her family, and how the engagement progressed. Tatum is desperately worried about her daughter, but then the fiancé makes contact and comes to dinner. There's something off about him.

Fortunately for Adrienne, Tatum has come a long way from the repressed pastor's wife. She follows and eventually finds her daughter.

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