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Her Too    by Bonnie Kistler order for
Her Too
by Bonnie Kistler
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Harper, 2023 (2023)
Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

After reading Bonnie Kistler's unique and gripping The Cage, I opened Her Too with anticipation. It's not easy to like the lead at first as badass defense lawyer Kelly McCann, 'a petite blonde with a Southern accent', defends men accused of sex crimes. She lives to win, uses 'borderline-dirty tactics', and gets a real rush from each victory lap.

The story opens on her win for Dr. George Benedict, a millionaire and international celebrity for his work on a cure for Alzheimer's. He invites her to a dinner party after the win, which is when everything changes for her. With the help of her investigator, Javier Torres, Kelly contacts Benedict's alleged victims, whom she previously dismissed as the 'NDA women'. She plans to turn the tables, but her options are limited by attorney-client privilege. Murders follow.

Through the story, the reader's view of Kelly changes as her back story is revealed and the reason for her career choice. By the end, we're all rooting for her and the very different women who come together to plot and work with her, despite the high risk to each of them. Kelly finally stands up for justice but then faces her most dangerous opponent yet, in one final shocking twist.

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