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Nuts in Space    by Elys Dolan order for
Nuts in Space
by Elys Dolan
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2015 (2015)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

On a voyage to deep space aboard the Star Nav, Moose and his crew have found the mythical snack, The Lost Nuts of Legend, but will the intrepid space adventurer make it back to home base?

It seems something has gone terribly wrong with the Star Nav and finding their way home might be a challenge. Asking directions from the space aliens they encounter will make the journey difficult and when Moose and company encounter the terrifying Death Banana, it looks like they are in for some serious trouble.

Will the mission be successfully completed? Will Moose see home again? Will the snack they risked their lives for be worth it? These are all questions that will be answered by the time you finish this rollicking picture book.

Each page is filled with action and dialogue. The more young readers page through this book the more they will find new, humorous tidbits to enjoy. If you enjoyed Weasels by this author, you'll really like Nuts in Space!

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