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Stella's Starliner    by Rosemary Wells order for
Stella's Starliner
by Rosemary Wells
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2014 (2014)
* * *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Stella lives in an aluminum trailer called a Starliner. She loves the cozy little home she shares with her mom and dad. Since he works elsewhere, Stella's dad is only there on weekends.

Although there's not a lot of extra space, Stella loves her home. Then one day some thoughtless weasels make fun of the Starliner:
'Is this where you live? It's an old trailer is what it is! You must be poor!'

Poor Stella is deeply hurt by these words. When her parents find out about the episode they make some changes that result in a much happier little fox. Now Stella is happy again and she finds new friends. They think the Starliner is pretty cool and make Stella feel like a millionaire.

I have never found a picture book that focused on a family living in a trailer/mobile home and how a child might feel about this situation. Kudos to Rosemary Wells for dealing with the topic with such sensitivity and wisdom.

This is a wonderful story that ALL children will enjoy. It also provides the opportunity for parents to discuss why where you live doesn't indicate your value or worth as a person.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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