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Crosshairs: Michael Bennett #16    by James Patterson & James O Born order for
by James Patterson
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Little, Brown & Co., 2024 (2024)
Hardcover, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Crosshairs is the sixteenth in the series starring legendary NYPD Detective Michael Bennett. At this stage, he has lost one wife and has ten (!) adopted children. He and his current wife, Mary Catherine, are working at having another, in vitro.

After the Longshot Killer shoots his/her third victim at long range (and there's no obvious pattern or commonality between the victims), Michael asks to work with a sniper expert and is teamed up with former Army Ranger Rob Trilling. Young Trilling barely speaks and is not that comfortable with the people he's working with, though he does deal well with the general public.

Trilling clearly knows his stuff and easily identifies where the shooter set up each of his kill shots, but he keeps disappearing without explaining where he's going and why. Bennett gradually discovers that the victims had all got away with financial crimes. Is the perp a vigilante and could it possibly be Michael's very own partner, a young man he's been growing to like?

As usual, the authors deliver a fast-paced, exciting read, the action always balanced by very real family interactions that add warmth and normality. This is a great series to follow!

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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