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Flip Flap Safari    by Axel Scheffler order for
Flip Flap Safari
by Axel Scheffler
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Candlewick, 2015 (2015)
* * *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Can you identify this animal? 'My mane is thick; my teeth are sharp. I am a mighty beast. Be careful not to cross my path or I'll eat you – what a feast!'

Looking at the creature's picture that accompanies this information, you'll easily identify this animal as a lion.

OK, now flip the top half of the page and see what lines up. Hmmm, it appears to be an elephant on top but a lion on the bottom! What's this? Why, it is an elephon of course.

That's the way this clever book works. Each page is divided into upper and lower halves. As you rearrange them, you'll end up with some type of composite critter. It might be a zebodile (zebra and crocodile), an antra (antelope and zebra) or a buffon (buffalo and lion).

There are over 120 combinations of animals here, that will make this safari quite an exciting and totally silly one. So have fun and start making up your own combinations - the possibilities should keep you busy for a while.

Children three and older and even adults will have fun with this interactive book that allows for some pretty humorous combinations. If you enjoy this volume, try the Flip Flap Farm book that uses a different set of animals.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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