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Otto The Book Bear    by Katie Cleminson order for
Otto The Book Bear
by Katie Cleminson
Order:  USA  Can
Hyperion, 2012 (2011)
Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Hello. My name is Otto. I'm a book bear. I bet you have never heard of a book bear. What that means is that I live in a picture book and I love it when children read my story.

Now I also have a big secret too. When no one is looking, like at night, I can walk out of my book and explore the house where I live. I read other stories, practice my writing on an old typewriter, and have little adventures.

This is the story of one REALLY BIG adventure I had when my book was packed up and shipped off before I could get back into it. Oh my, that was a shock when I discovered that my book was gone!

Being a resourceful bear, I made a plan, packed my bag and set off on a new adventure away from the house. But I was so small that no one took notice of me. I really missed my warm book and I began to feel lonely and unwanted.

Then something quite wonderful happened. I stumbled upon a very large building called a library. And guess what? Yup, I found a bunch of books. But even better, I found a whole set of new friends.

If you are between the ages of three and seven I think you will really like my story and hearing about my adventures. Books are really special and so are those of us who live in them. You'll be pleasantly surprised to discover we have our own secret stories too!

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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