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RRRalph    by Lois Ehlert order for
by Lois Ehlert
Order:  USA  Can
Beach Lane, 2011 (2011)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Look closely at the cover of this picture book for children two and older and you'll notice the featured dog is a collage. His eyes appear to be buttons, his mouth a zipper, his nose is a discarded pop-top can tab, and the rest of him seems to be fashioned from cloth scraps and bits of paper.

This is RRRalph! You may not believe it, but this odd creature can talk or, at least, that is the contention of the book's author. When the mutt was outdoors and the someone shouted, 'Hey, Ralph! Where are you?', there he was sitting atop his dog house. Ralph responded, 'Roof, Roof'.

Next, Ralph was chasing birds in the backyard and when he jumped up and down around a tree someone asked, 'Ralph, what's on that tree?' Of course, the response was, 'Bark, bark, bark'.

Out for a walk, Ralph is asked, 'How's the path feel on your paws, Ralph?' Naturally, Ralph's comeback is, 'Rough, rough'. And, when he is asked if he wants to come into the house, the clever canine says, 'Yep, yep,yep'.

So, as you can see, this very odd looking dog can indeed talk, in a fashion. Big, bold illustrations and bright colors coupled with oversized type makes this a book that will please young readers since they'll be happy to provide the sound effects as you read about RRRalph, the remarkable, talking dog.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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