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* * * Robert Landori Havana Harvest US Orders
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Review Emerald, 2010 (2010) Softcover
CIA operative Robert Landsale is sent to discover why a captain in Fidel's army has arrived in Miami with a suitcase full of money. (MS)

* * * Robert Lane Cooler Than Blood US Orders
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Review Mason Alley, 2015 (2015) Softcover, e-Book
In this 2nd in the series, Jake Travis searches for a young woman whom he believes was kidnapped - and discovers a shocking secret about his significant other. (MS)

* * * Robert Lane The Gail Force: A Jake Travis Novel US Orders
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Review Mason Alley, 2016 (2016) Softcover, e-Book
Jake Travis goes undercover for the FBI, to expose corrupt Miami art dealer Phillip Agatha. (MS)

* * * Robert Lane The Second Letter US Orders
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Review Mason Alley, 2013 (2013) Softcover, e-Book
Jake Travis is contracted by his ex-Army colonel to locate and retrieve a 50 year-old letter written during the Cold War. (MS)