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Where They Lie    by Claire Coughlan order for
Where They Lie
by Claire Coughlan
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Harper, 2024 (2024)
Hardcover, Paperback, CD, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Claire Coughlan's Where They Lie moves back and forth in time from Dublin in the 1940s to the 1960s. Just before Christmas in 1968, readers are introduced to Nicoletta Sarto, a junior reporter for the Irish Sentinel. Her editor mentions the only major Christmas story ever was 'Gloria Fitzpatrick. Sentenced to hang in '56.'

Gloria was a midwife, convicted for the death of a woman during an induced miscarriage. She was also a suspect in the disappearance of actress Julia Bridges in 1943, but nothing was proven. Now, a call comes in from the Garda station, that Julia Bridges' body has been found. Nicoletta jumps into the story and becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth.

She's shocked to find links to her own family history. When she asks her mother about them, she becomes very angry. While dealing with complications in her own personal life, Nicoletta investigates and finally tracks down Gloria's last letter. After violence is precipitated from past events into the modern day, Nicoletta finally writes the 'story she was born to tell.'

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