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* * Bernard Cornwell The Pale Horseman US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt HarperCollins, 2006 (2006) Hardcover, Audio, CD
A splendidly vivid tale focusing on the conflicts between selfishness and unselfish commitment to causes, and filled with wonderful details of the cultural, social, religious, and political dynamics of 9th century Britain. (TD)

* * * Bernard Cornwell Sharpe's Assassin: Richard Sharpe and the Occupation of Paris, 1815 US Orders
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Review Harper, 2021 (2021) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
After the Battle of Waterloo, Wellington sends Sharpe on two special missions - in France, in advance of the British army. (HW)

* * * Bernard Cornwell Sharpe's Command: Sharpe #14 US Orders
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Review Harper, 2024 (2024) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
Tells the tale of 'Richard Sharpe and the Bridge at Almaraz, May 1812'. (HW)

* * * Bernard Cornwell Sharpe's Trafalgar US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt HarperCollins, 2001 (2000) Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, e-Book
Returning from India, Sharpe ends up on a ship of the line, involved in the Battle of Trafalgar. One of the best accounts of a sea battle that I have ever read (including Forester). (WW)

* * * Bernard Cornwell Sword of Kings: Saxon Tales #12 US Orders
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Review Harper, 2019 (2019) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
In this 12th in the series, Uhtred takes a small force deep into Wessex to keep his oath to Prince Aethelstan. (HW)